How Parents Feel About Remote and Hybrid Work Being Here to Stay

Author: Success Magazine

During the pandemic, I switched careers to a permanent remote job, running my own business. I was also pregnant with my fourth child, had two kids attempting the hot mess that was remote learning, a husband stealing parts of my desk for his Zoom calls and about all the chaos possible. What I didn’t anticipate was the impact remote work would have on all aspects of my personal and professional life, especially parenting. 

At first, many of us tried to survive without child care because of the pandemic. We realized how impossible it is for most jobs, even remote ones. But it was tempting to reduce the time my kids spend in day care when I realized I didn’t have to pay someone to watch my kids during their consistent afternoon naps, or that I could try a 4-day workweek. 

So what started as panicky chaos led to a realization that parenting and work can coexist. Now, in an elaborate schedule of kids going here and there, two of my young kids are able to nap at home in the afternoon while I schedule most calls in the morning during their day care half-day. At other times, I’m able to get some (interrupted) work done while they are awake, juggling my partner’s schedule against my own.

Read the full article on here.


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